- SASS provide bunch of inbuilt methods to make the CSS Authoring Simple and easy.
- In this Demo ,“We will explore SASS inbuilt methods for COLORING“.
- RGB/RGBA(Red,Green,Blue with or without Alpha) and HSL/HSLA(Hue,Saturation,Lightness with or without Alpha) are popular used color model for web development.
- RGB model is known to everybody.In this model all colors are formed by combination of three colors i.e, red,green and blue.
- HSL model is new for web development.In this model a color is made by hue , saturation and lightness.
—HUE : is the pure color without tint or shade.
—SATURATION: is the spread of a color.
—LIGHTNESS: is the intensity of a color.
- In this demo we have used inbuilt color methods from SASS to set the background of DIV elements.
- Below HTML markup is used for the applying css classes.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>SASS Color Methods</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="my-style.css">
<h4>HSL Color Methods:-</h4>
<div class='container-one'>
background: $backgroundColor;
<div class='container-two'>
background: darken($backgroundColor, 30%);
<div class='container-three'>
background: lighten($backgroundColor, 30%);
<div class='container-four'>
background: invert($backgroundColor);
<div class='container-five'>
background: complement($backgroundColor);
<div class='container-six'>
background: saturate($backgroundColor,90%);
<div class='container-seven'>
background: desaturate($backgroundColor,90%);
<div class='container-eight'>
background: adjust-hue($backgroundColor,90%);
<div class='container-nine'>
background: saturation($backgroundColor);
<div class='container-ten'>
background: hue($backgroundColor);
<div class='container-eleven'>
background: hsl(180, 20, 30);
<div class='container-tweleve'>
background: hsla(10, 20, 30,0.2);
<h4>RGB Color Methods:-</h4>
<div class='container-thirteen'>
background: rgb($myredcolor, $mygreencolor, $mybluecolor);
<div class='container-fourteen'>
background: rgba($myredcolor, $mygreencolor, $mybluecolor, 0.2);
<div class='container-fifteen'>
background: red($backgroundColor);
<div class='container-sixteen'>
background: green($backgroundColor);
<div class='container-seventeen'>
background: blue($backgroundColor);
<div class='container-eighteen'>
background: mix(rgb($myredcolor, $mygreencolor, $mybluecolor), #808080);
- This SCSS file contains the SASS code for coloring different DIV elements.Each container is assigned with a css class .Each css class has different SASS coloring method for applying to its background.
$containerHeight : 20px;
$containerWidth : 600px;
/*HSL colors -- tutorialsavvy.com*/
height: $containerHeight;
width : $containerWidth;
border:1px solid #C0C0C0;
@extend .container;
background: $backgroundColor;
@extend .container;
background: darken($backgroundColor, 30%);
@extend .container;
background: lighten($backgroundColor, 30%);
@extend .container;
background: invert($backgroundColor);
@extend .container;
background: complement($backgroundColor);
@extend .container;
background: saturate($backgroundColor,90%);
@extend .container;
background: desaturate($backgroundColor,90%);
@extend .container;
background: desaturate($backgroundColor,90%);
@extend .container;
background: adjust-hue($backgroundColor,90%);
@extend .container;
background: saturation($backgroundColor);
@extend .container;
background: hue($backgroundColor);
@extend .container;
background: hsl(180, 20, 30);
@extend .container;
background: hsla(10, 20, 30,0.2);
/*RGB colors -- tutorialsavvy.com*/
$myredcolor : 35;
$mygreencolor : 95;
$mybluecolor : 105;
@extend .container;
background: rgb($myredcolor, $mygreencolor, $mybluecolor);
@extend .container;
background: rgba($myredcolor, $mygreencolor, $mybluecolor, 0.2);
@extend .container;
background: red($backgroundColor);
@extend .container;
background: green($backgroundColor);
@extend .container;
background: blue($backgroundColor);
.container-eighteen {
@extend .container;
background: mix(rgb($myredcolor, $mygreencolor, $mybluecolor), #808080);
- This is the generated CSS file from the above SCSS file.You can compare both the file and can find the equivalent css value for each SASS coloring methods.
/*HSL colors -- tutorialsavvy.com*/
.container, .container-one, .container-two, .container-three, .container-four, .container-five, .container-six, .container-seven, .container-eight, .container-nine, .container-ten, .container-eleven, .container-tweleve, .container-thirteen, .container-fourteen, .container-fifteen, .container-sixteen, .container-seventeen, .container-eighteen {
height: 20px;
width: 600px;
color: red;
border: 1px solid #C0C0C0;
text-align: left; }
.container-one {
background: lime; }
.container-two {
background: #006600; }
.container-three {
background: #99ff99; }
.container-four {
background: magenta; }
.container-five {
background: magenta; }
.container-six {
background: lime; }
.container-seven {
background: #738c73; }
.container-seven {
background: #738c73; }
.container-eight {
background: #007fff; }
.container-nine {
background: 100%; }
.container-ten {
background: 120deg; }
.container-eleven {
background: #3d5c5c; }
.container-tweleve {
background: rgba(92, 66, 61, 0.2); }
/*RGB colors -- tutorialsavvy.com*/
.container-thirteen {
background: #235f69; }
.container-fourteen {
background: rgba(35, 95, 105, 0.2); }
.container-fifteen {
background: 0; }
.container-sixteen {
background: 255; }
.container-seventeen {
background: 0; }
.container-eighteen {
background: #516f74; }
- The below fiddle has the HTML and generated css and also shows the output,
- The output of the code will look like below screenshot,