- Electron framework provides cross platform desktop application development using JavaScript.
- In this demo, “We will learn to install electron and setup application development environment”.
- Electron can be installed as npm package using npm install electron-prebuilt –save-dev command.The following screenshot shows the terminal with electron installation.
- The project structure contains the index.html,main.js and package.json file and looks like following screenshot.
- The content of package.json is as follows.
{ "name": "ElectronDemo", "version": "0.0.1", "description": "Electron desktop Application", "main": "main.js", "repository": { "type": "git" }, "keywords": [ "electron" ], "author": "sandeep", "license": "ISC", "devDependencies": { "electron-prebuilt": "^0.27.2" } }
- The content of main.js is as follows.
var app = require('app'), BrowserWindow = require('browser-window'), mainWindow = null; require('crash-reporter').start(); app.on('window-all-closed', function() { if (process.platform != 'darwin') app.quit(); }); app.on('ready', function() { mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({width: 800, height: 600}); mainWindow.loadUrl('file://' + __dirname + '/index.html'); mainWindow.openDevTools(); mainWindow.on('closed', function() { mainWindow = null; }); });
- The content of index.html file is as follows.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head lang="en"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title></title> </head> <body> hello </body> </html>
- The desktop application can be start by issuing electron command in terminal,The following screenshot shows the command to lunch desktop application.
- The output of desktop application look like following screenshot.