The meaning of life for any object is its significance, origin, purpose and ultimate fate and it pose a central question in philosophy, religion and even in web technology. In other words every element in this world has its own significance, origin, purpose and destiny. To acquire the complete knowledge of any element we need to focus on these key points. Keeping this in mind let’s start to understand the life of web component. This post is a quick introduction of W3C web component and can help the developers to kick start their learning on web components.
Significance of Web Component
The W3C web component specification provides a better way of web application development. There are many problems present that a web developer faces while developing a web application. Some of the problems are as follows:
- While developing web pages we can find many components with similar semantic structure. These things lead to huge amount of redundant code. This increases the complexity of managing these components.
While developing web page we use many 3rd party components. We use ID, CLASSES and ATTRIBUTES for differentiating among these components and sometime we need to use IFRAME to provide a private scope to the component. There are many issues in IFRAME rendering like implementing responsive width of the content.
To address these problems W3C web component specification come for rescue with different features like template, shadow DOM, HTML Imports and custom elements.
Origin of Web Component
Prior to web component specification we have used plugins created using different libraries like Jquery, YUI, and DOJO etc. We have treated these plugins as web component. These plugins have perfectly mimicked the properties of web component. However all these plugin need an additional base javascript library to be loaded prior to their execution. The following diagram shows the way we are heading on web component development.
Plugins have created an additional layer of execution. In simple words Plugins are foreign entities and their origin is not from the browser. We need a web component which will be native to the browser. As we know anything developed in a native language has an advantage in performance. Considering these points W3C came with a new specification which suggest a web application can be developed using the features listed in it.
If we look into the frameworks that are exists for W3C web component specification have an additional layer of polyfill. For example in Google’s Polymer library has the webcomponent.js dependency script. However it is just a temporary library that will be removed in near future when the browsers will start supporting web component specification natively.
Purpose of Web Component
W3C Web Component is a collection of specification and each specification has its own purpose and addresses the issues existing in the current approach of web application development. These specifications are as follows:
- Custom Element: This specification empowers the developer to create their own elements.
Template: This specification empowers the developer to create a reusable fragment of HTML that can be injected dynamically using javascript.
Shadow DOM: This specification empowers the developer to create abstraction that helps in separating complexity from the markup.
HTML Imports: This specification empowers the developer to include HTML document to another HTML document.
Understanding Custom Element
The purpose of this specification is to create more readable, declarative and meaningful code.We can create a HTML like custom element.The custom element can defined using registerElement() method.The syntax of creating a custom element is as follows:
var MyComponent = document.registerElement(‘my-component’);
After registering a custom element we can use it in the web application by including following markup.
A custom element can be inherited from another element using extend and prototype keyword.The syntax for inhering a element is declared as follows:
var myComponent = document.registerElement(‘my-component’, {
extends: ‘button’,
prototype: Object.create(HTMLButtonElement.prototype)
In the previous code a custom element name my-component is defined using registerElement() method.The my-component element is extended from the button HTML element.The prototype of the my-component is of type HTMLButtonElement.
Understanding Template
The purpose of this specification is to create a light weight DOM tree.The HTML markup defined inside a template are inert in nature.In simple word template contents are not part of DOM until it is activated.The syntax for defining a template is as follows:
<!– HTML Markup goes here –>
Understanding Shadow DOM
The purpose of this specification is to create private scope for the component.A shadow DOM can be created using createShadowRoot() method.The syntax for creating a shadow DOM is as follows:
<div id=”myElement”></div>
var anElement= document.getElementById(“myElement”);
var root = anElement.createShadowRoot();
The details of the previous code are as follows:
– Host Element: A shadowRoot is created for the DIV element with id myElement.The myElement is called as Host Element.
– Shadow Tree: The HTML DOM tree present inside the shadowRoot element is called as shadow Tree.
– Shadow Root: The root element of the shadow tree is called as Shadow Root.
Understanding HTML Imports
The purpose of this specification is to create a better packaging for the component.The syntax for including a HTML document using import is as follows:
<link rel=”import” href=”fileName.html”>
In the above syntax a link element is defined pointing to the **
** file.The link element has a attribute named rel with value import.The rel attribute with import value indicates the browser that it is a include of a another HTML document.
Updated Document Tree
Inclusion of shadow DOM concept to the HTML DOM tree makes the document as tree of trees.The following diagram shows a conceptual view of the document tree with the shadow sub trees.
Web Component Life Cycle Methods
A web Component goes through different states during its life cycle.The following diagrams shows different states of a web component.
The details of the previous diagram are as follows:
- created: An web component will be in created state when it is first initialized.To handle this state createdCallback() method is provided by the specification.
attached: An web component will be in attached state when it is first inserted to DOM.To handle this state attachedCallback() method is provided by the specification.
detached: An web component will be in detached state when it is removed from the DOM.To handle this state detachedCallback() method is provided by the specification.
attributeChanged: An web component will be in attributeChanged state when one of its attribute value is updated.To handle this state attribueChangedCallback() method is provided by the specification.
Ultimate Fate of Web Component
At present the Web Component specification is not completely implemented. In the coming years all these browser are going to support these specification.We can check the browser support of the web component specification using Can I Use? online tool.The current state of support to the web component for different browser are as follows:
- Custom Element Support:The following screenshot is taken from** Can I Use?** online tool and it clearly indicates the Firefox browsers does not support custom element specification at present.However we can enable the experimental web component flag in Firefox to use the custom elements.
- Template Support:The following screenshot shows the support of HTML template element in the current state of browsers.
- Shadow DOM Support:The following screenshot shows the support of Shadow DOM in the current state of browsers.
- HTML Import Support:The following screenshot shows the support of HTML Import in the current state of browsers.
ECMA script 6 and 7 are already in discussion in developer communities and definitely has an impact to W3C web component specification or vice versa. Keep your finger crossed.
Developing Web Component
If you read upto this point we have learnt enough literature, Lets develop a web component for our self.I have used Chrome browser for developing a custom element named italic-text with a title attribute.The steps for developing italic-text element are as follows:
Step 1: Defining a template for italic-text element
In this step we have created HTML template that will be used by italic-text element.The following code shows the template used by the italic-text element.
<template id=”italicTemplate”>
:host::shadow i {
<!–Text Placeholder –>
In the above code a italic element(i) is used as placeholder to render the text in between.The style element contains a font size of 20px for italic element.You can find 2 new keywords :host and ::shadow to apply CSS style to italic element.The details of this CSS keywords are as follows:
- :host: It represent the custom element itself.For our example it is italic-text custom element.
::Shadow: It represents the shadow tree of the host element.In our example the italic element(i) is present inside the shadow DOM tree we have used :host::shadow i css string to apply font size to 20px.
Step 2: Defining & Registering italic-text element
In this step we will create script for defining object prototype and register an element to the DOM.The following code shows the detailed javascript for implementing italic-text element.
(function() {
var selfDocument = document.currentScript.ownerDocument,
objectPrototype = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype);
Object.defineProperty(objectPrototype, ‘title’, {
writable : true
objectPrototype.createdCallback = function() {
var shadow = this.createShadowRoot(),
templateContent = selfDocument.querySelector(‘#italicTemplate’).content,
templateNodes = document.importNode(templateContent, true),
italicElement = templateNodes.querySelector(“i”);
italicElement.innerText = this.title;
var digitalClockElement = document.registerElement(“italic-text”, {
prototype: objectPrototype
The details of the previous code are as follows:
- A object prototype is created using Object.create() method with HTMLElement.prototype.
A title attribute is created using Object.definePrototype() method.
In the createdCallback() lifecycle method template markup is activated using importNode() method and the value of title attribute is set using innerText attribute.
Once the definition and declaration is ready the italic-text custom element is then registered using using registerElement() method.
Step 2:Importing & Using italic-text Custom Element
Now it is time to use italic-text in a web page.The following code shows the HTML markup which uses HTML import specification using link element and rel attribute with import value.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head lang=”en”>
<meta charset=”UTF-8″>
<title>Web component : Custom text Elements</title>
<link rel=”import” href=”italicText.html”>
<italic-text title=”Sandeep Kumar Patel”>
The output of the previous code looks like following screenshot.We can see the custom element and shadow DOM of italic-text in the Chrome developer console.
The italic-text custom element demo can be found in the following JSBIN link:,js,output
From this post we have learnt the life of web component. We have now understood how a web component fits in to the current state of web application development.There are many other feature that need focus while learning web component development, But I have focused on writing a quick article to grasp the highlights of web component specification.
Finally an appeal to the readers, If you like and got some knowledge on Web Component do share it with your network as,
There is no wealth like knowledge,and no poverty like ignorance.