Tutorials 4
AngularJS ngCloak Example
AngularJS provides ngCloak directive to control the flickering issue when application is bootstrapping. AngularJS adds the ngCloak class to the element if the application is not bootstrapped and removes this class once the application is bootstrapped and ready. In this demo “We will see the use of ngCloak usage to an application”. Below code […]
AngularJS ngNonBindable Directive Example
AngularJS provides ngNonBindable directive to create non bindable expression. In this demo,”We will see an example of non bindable AngularJS expression”. Below code used the ngNonBindable directive to unbind the expression. <!DOCTYPE html> <html ng-app="myApp"> <head> <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.2/angular.min.js"></script> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>AngularJS ngNonBindable Example</title> </head> <body ng-controller="MyController"> <h3>Use of ngNonBindable Directive Example</h3> <h5>Default binding {{number1+number2}}</h5> […]
AngularJS ngClassEven NgClassOdd Example
AngularJS provides ngClass,ngClassEven and ngClassOdd directives for controlling applied class to an element. ngClassEven and ngClassOdd can be used in ngRepeat loop to style the alternate rows. In this demo, “We will create student table and apply these classes to alternate row for different color styling”. Below code uses for showing student data in […]
AngularJS uiGrid Module Example
Angular ui.grid module is external library for AngularJS to create table. You can read more detail form the following link https://github.com/angular-ui/ng-grid . In this demo, "We will create a table using Angular ui grid and YouTube Google developer video json data". $resource is used for create a AJAX request to download the Google developer channel as JSON data. The response […]