Feed4j Parser Reading RSS Feed
RSS stands for Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication . Feed4j.jar is a library for parsing RSS feeds. This JAR file can be download from the following link:- http://www.sauronsoftware.it/projects/feed4j/download.php There are 4 type of exception can be thrown while parsing RSS feed like FeedException, FeedIOException, FeedXMLParseException, UnsupportedFeedException. This […]
Creating DataTable From RSS Feed And YQL
Yahoo Query Language(YQL ) is a query language like SQL. Using YQL we can query, filter, and join data across Web services. YQL can also read RSS feed too. The Response can be JSON or XML. Yahoo provides a YQL console for debugging , testing and diagnostics the YQL statements. The Link for YQL CONSOLE […]
YUI Chart Integration With Java
YUI3 provides a “charts” module to render chart in browser. This module can be called using use() method. YUI charts provides many features like “legend creation”, “grid lines”, ”tool tip” etc. These charts takes input data in JSON format. More Information can be found from the link:- http://yuilibrary.com/yui/docs/charts/ Here In this […]
Jquery SparkLine And DataTable Integration With Java
“Spark Line” is graph representation without axes.It is very smaller in size. These graphs can be of type pie,line,bar and discrete in nature. Jquery Provides a plugin for sparkline. This sparkline plugin can be downloaded from the following link, http://omnipotent.net/jquery.sparkline/#s-download This plugin is tested in, Firefox 2+, […]