Ajax Queue For Servlet Using YUI IO
“YUI IO” Queue feature provides control above series of Ajax request to server. It supports FIFO transactions for request while each request is non-blocking type. Different methods:- start : Starts the queue for the requests. stop: Stops the queue fir making request. promote: Promotes the queue .Changes the priority of the execution remove: Removes […]
YUI IO And Servlet Ajax Request
YUI (Yahoo User Interface) Library is based on JavaScript language. YUI3 has many individual modules which offers different features. “IO” is the module for asynchronous request to server. YUI can be downloaded from :- http://yuilibrary.com/download/yui3/ Different IO events are:- start: event handler for ajax request. complete: event […]
Jsoup WhiteList Sanitizing HTML Input
Jsoup has many features like parsing html document, searching inside Dom, manipulating dom element, cleaning the output with the help of jtidy. Jsoup provide whitelist feature for the sanitizing/cleaning the html. Whitelist allows what are the features that are passed to cleaning and others are discarded. Download Link of jar (jsoup-1.7.1.jar) :- […]
CSS3 User Text Selection
Css3 provides a feature of text selection.It means when user select some text we can apply styles to that text. Through this feature we can control whether user can select the text or not. The variation of these properties for different Browsers are -webkit-user-select, -moz-user-select,-ms-user-select, -o-user-select,user-select. These variations are because of this attribute does not […]