Rhino : JavaScript Library for Java
Rhino is a java library for java script native object and script handling for java developer. In java version 6 is embedded implicitly as a default script engine. For java version less then 6 must download the rhino library from the following download location :- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Rhino/Download_Rhino?redirectlocale=en-US&redirectslug=RhinoDownload Project Structure:- Rhino Script Object […]
NekoHtml : Document Fragment & Scanning
NekoHtml provides html reading,document fragment creating,scanner. It can fix up the error in html file like missing tags. The NekoHtml library jar file can be downloaded :- http://sourceforge.net/projects/nekohtml/files/nekohtml/nekohtml-1.9.17/nekohtml-1.9.17.zip/download?use_mirror=nchc Project Structure:- Creating Document Fragment:- DocumentFragment is a class for creating new node adding it into […]
Trove Collection : Procedure & Function
GNU provides a collection API for Java for high performance. We can implement some collection interface to customize our own requirement. We can create procedure and function on each object of the collection. Download Link of Trove Library:- http://sourceforge.net/projects/trove4j/files/ Project Structure:- Trove HashMap (Procedure & Function):- Create a Object Procedure:- […]
Java NIO : performance Booster
Java NIO provides better performance to java application. It provides more control over I/O. It provides channels,buffers. Project Structure:- Test NIO:- Lets say demoFile.txt we need to read by NIO channel, then we have to use a FileInputStream.From This Stream we can read value and save it to ByteBuffer..Then we need to Flip method. Then […]