Understanding JSON2.js
The download link for json2.js is available from github :- Git Hub Link to Download json2.js Lets understand what is there inside the Crockford json2.js. There are only two methods present that can be used by a java script developer to use in their code to parse a String […]
JSON : What is JSON format
Java Script Object Notation. This format data interchange is created by Douglous Crockford. This is similar to xml format data. In Xml the data is represented by tags but in Json the data is represented by key value pair. The name came from java script objects. In XML, a object of type student cabn be […]
Java : Null Pointer Exception
What is a Null Pointer Exception? Thrown when an application attempts to use null in a case where an object is required. These are the common scenarios where one can confront with a null pointer exception:- Obtaining the length of such object as an array which is null. Invoking an instance method of a object […]
Web Page Performance
Why web Page Performance?In the present time of IT industries business, performance of a particular application is so much important. As performance is directly proportional to the number of user using that application.Main factors affecting web page performance:- Blocking JavaScript. No of http Calls What is Blocking JavaScript? For Every Browser we have a rendering […]