- Atomic CSS is a set of classes representing single-purpose styling units.It is developed by Yahoo Inc.
- You can find more information on atomic CSS in the following link:-
- In this demo,”We will learn to use atomizer to produce atomic CSS”.
- The atomizer module can be installed globally using npm install atomizer –g command.The following screenshot shows the terminal with atomizer installation.
- There is also a Gulp module for atomizer called gulp-atomizer for creating Gulp task to compile Atomic CSS.The gulp-atomizer can be installed using npm install –save-dev gulp-atomizer command.
- To demonstrate atomic CSS we have create a project named AtomicCSSDemo.The following screen shows the initial structure of project:-
- The content of example1.html is as follows:-
<!doctype html> <html lang="en-US"> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/atomic.css"> </head> <body> <h1 class="Fw(b) Fz(30px) C(red)"> Sandeep, Hello Developers. </h1> </body> </html>
- The gulpfile.js contains the code for defining a Gulp task named atomize using gulp.task() method.The atomize task reads all the HTML file and transpile code to generate atomic.css file in dist directory.The content of gulpfile.js are as follows:-
var gulp = require('gulp'); var acss = require('gulp-atomizer'); gulp.task('atomize', function() { return gulp.src('./*.html') .pipe(acss()) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist')); }); gulp.task('default',['atomize']);
- We can run the gulp task using Gulp command in terminal.The following screenshot shows the terminal with Gulp command in execution.
- The update structure for AtomicCSSDemo project looks like following screenshot with atomic.css inside dist directory.The following screenshot shows the updated directory structure:-
- The content of dist/atomic.css are as follows:-
.C\(red\) { color: red; } .Fw\(b\) { font-weight: bold; } .Fz\(30px\) { font-size: 30px; }
- The output of this demo can be seen by opening example1.html in a browser.The following screenshot shows the output of this example:-
- The demo code can be downloaded from the following link:-